many of you know our nurse manager, sue kelly, BSN, RN, MPHc. In addition to her contribution to the practice, she is also a food allergy expert and significant contrubitor in the food allergy community. Below is an article outlining many of their efforts, along with a number of resources that she compiled.
Why We Need Certified Allergy Nurse Educators - Allergic Living
Food Allergy Websites
Kids Living With Food Allergies | Living With Food Allergies
Accommodations - Accommodations in Schools - 504 Plans | FAACT
Kyle Dine - Educational Children's Music About Food Allergies
Food Allergy Books
Food Allergies: A Complete Guide for Eating When Your Life Depends on It (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) second edition by Scott H. Sicherer
The Ultimate Guidebook for Teens With Food Allergies: Real Advice, Stories and Tips by Food Allergy Canada
mental health support/education
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AUVI-Q® (epinephrine injection, USP) for Anaphylaxis
EPIPEN® (epinephrine injection, USP) Auto-Injector| Official Website
epinephrine auto injector coupons:
Generic Epinephrine Auto Injector: Epinephrine (Epipen, Auvi-Q): Uses, Alternatives, Side Effects & More - GoodRx